
Have you ever asked any of the these questions:

  • How do I help my board become a high performing team?
  • How can they become more cohesive, especially with little time together and working more virtually?
  • How can we ensure robust challenge and dialogue, without descending into conflict?
  • I know shaping culture is vital but where do we start?
  • How do I maintain my own – and others – agility and resilience?
  • And, how do need to adapt my style to lead well, especially through times of significant change?

My aim is to deliver you the latest leadership lessons to improve boardroom dynamics. (The video above from the Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland provides a useful definition). I will do the work of trawling the evidence, distilling the best practice and then making it accessible so that you don’t have to.

A good place to start is my latest book